Do you have a Club Champion?
The leadership of NVCL is always looking for ways to encourage our club members to be active, so last year we instituted a Club Champion Award to encourage participation in our annual Stunt-Fest. The award is made to the club member that places highest in their skill class – that is, you divide your score by the winners score and that is the percentage that is compared. So, for instance, if you place first in Beginner Stunt and no other club member wins a first in their skill class, you are Club Champion. In the case of a tie, award goes to the person with the most competitors in their skill class.
Since we did not have our StuntFest this year, we made the award based on the only contest that our members were able to attend. Peter Klosky won 1st place in Intermediate at the Philly Fliers contest and based on his placing highest of any club member in their skill class he is the 2020 NVCL Club Champion winner!
At the award ceremony we had 6 members in attendance with Frank Dobrydney, Peter Klosky, Jerry Glier, Ken Garlem, Tony Carp, and me. Besides the presentation, we did a bunch of flying and mowing. In fact, Peter and Tony were still mowing when I left.
We had an exciting day filled with special activities and events!
And then some general flying.
Picture “Oct 31 Ken Garlem and plane” goes here
Here’s Ken flying his Veco Crusader
Picture “Oct 31 Ken’s planes” goes here
Ken’s planes under the tent
Waiting for the podium to be set up and the speeches to begin.
Trophy awaiting award:
Jerry Glier brought hors d’oeuvres for the social time before the speeches and presentation:
Picture “Oct 31 Club Trophy and Hors D’oeuvres” goes here
You can see that we spent the “Big Bucks” on the hors d’oeuvres!
Here we are awaiting the presentation. We killed time by telling Frank that Peter’s last name was misspelled on the plaque. It was a terrible thing to torment Frank like that, but you know how we are….
Here is Peter with his winning plane and his award:
Picture “Oct 31 Pete and trophy” goes here
Congratulations Peter!
Afterwards, we did some more flying.
And here is Pete (this year’s award winner) launching Ken:
We had a great time! You could too! Does your club have an annual Club Champion celebration?