First off, I really want to thank Bob Hunt and Alan Hieger for stepping up and volunteering to collect and edit the material for Stunt News, and Chris Rud for creating a place where we can post all the happenings in Stunt around the world and be able to do it almost real time. With this new online magazine, PAMPA will really add value to the members and our organization.
The year 2020 is behind us, and Covid-19 really put a hamper on our season here in District II. We did have a couple of contests, and they were lightly attended for obvious reasons. In August of 2020, the Middlesex Modelers put on their annual contest, and in September the New York Control Line Stunt Team (NYCLST) held their annual Gene Schaffer Memorial Cup contest at Flushing Meadow Park. There was also some sad news; the legendary GSCB field at Lincoln Park, New Jersey is no more. Many, many contests were flown there over the years, and quite a few National Champions came from that club and/or flew in contests there. The good news is that the club did find a new field down the block from the old site. The new field is restricted to electric motors only due to a noise ordinance in the town in which it is located.
Last year did give us all quite a bit of time to build new planes, rebuild, and repaint planes. I did get a few photos from a few of the guys here in District II, plus I have been busy building quite a few planes. I have found a new trick; I build them in pieces, so my wife cannot tell how many I am really working on! (I don’t think I have fooled her, though…)
We have been busy in my house, I am building three planes; two of them are new, and one is a rebuild. I am rebuilding the 2020 High Voltage. I had to cut the stab out and redo the elevator pushrod, due to a design flaw with the flap adjuster. With all that work invested, I decided to repaint it as well. The second one is a new High Voltage (number 7!). For this one, I decided to use all my best wood and build the lightest, most rigid plane possible! So far it is coming along nicely, and now it is in the finishing process. The third project is a Big Jim Greenaway-designed Patternmaster. On that one, I am using a molded fuselage that was made using 1/16-inch thick, 12 pound per cu. ft. wood! And it looks like I will have a 67 ounce finished plane. That is a fairly good weight for that size ship! My son, Steven is building a Thunder Gazer to use at the 2021 World Championships. It is a take-apart model, and he is up to the finishing phase. The paint scheme will be red, white and blue, with some stars of course!
Jose Modesto has been remarkably busy also. He is building two new planes… I think. There might be more (only he knows). He’s also rebuilding one. The one he is rebuilding was actually hit in flight by a Red Tail Hawk at Flushing Meadow Park, and the hawk took a bit out of the outboard wing. As part of the rebuild, Jose installed a new wing in it, and is currently working on the paint scheme for his “Hawk Strike.” He is also building a version of my High Voltage, which to me is an honor! (I just hope it flies good!) The third one is a Patternmaster. Jose saw my wing and said, “Hey I’ve got a wing and tail in silver from about 15 years ago, and it should be gassed off enough by now to use!” He is building it like Big Jim’s original.
Mike Ostella is building a Lou Wolgast-designed Corsair ll.Mike’s version will be electric powered, He’s using a Badass 3515, 710 Kv motor, with a Fioretti timer and Jeti Spin ESC on 5s 2,800 mAh batteries. I can’t wait to see it fly, and maybe Mike will let me take it for a spin!
I spoke with Tom Luciano the other day, and he is slowly working on his new plane. I hope that sentence motivates him and gets him moving!
My plan is to update this column on a regular basis, and in order for me to do that I need your help! Please send me photos and material. or you will just have to hear about what I am doing. Also, there are quite a few who fly in District II who were once PAMPA members. Perhaps this new Stunt News format will entice them to join again. I would encourage us all to promote PAMPA and a new reason to do that is this online newsletter! I hope to see you this summer at all the contests! – Joe Daly